Ou est la bibliotheque?

“Boy, those French. They have a different word for everything.”

Steve Martin

Dis donc! and something about des saucisses et des frites still rattle around in my brain decades after the ALM French I took in high school. ALM was all the rage in the 60’s, and our brand new high school was equipped with state-of-the-art language labs, rows of little cubicles with headphones that pumped in the dialog so we could ecouter et repeter.

Malhuereusement, I wasn’t much of a French student. In the lab, I huddled silently in my cubicle, writing notes to my friends instead of listening to insipid conversations about hot dogs and French fries. When the click sounded, signaling that my teacher had tuned in, I straightened up, and mumbled along until she clicked off. Dead language or not, I much preferred Latin, and can still rattle off some conjugations (amo, amas, amat)and some pithy lines (Gallia est omnia divisa in tres partes.).

When we went to Paris in ’96, I wished I had paid more attention in French class instead of writing notes about upcoming sock hops. One afternoon, we were looking for the Metro, so I approached two ladies. “Bonjour. Excuse-moi. Ou est le Metro?” I asked, pleased at my ability to form this question. When they answered, I stood there slack-jawed, completely at a loss. Luckily, the nice ladies recognized the universal facial expression for “Huh?” and with hand signals, directed us to the Metro.

For our four weeks in Paris, I decided to learn some French. Do I think that Parisians will be dying to chat us up at the local café? No, although wouldn’t that be fun? But, maybe I could learn to make a dinner reservation, speak with a merchant in a market, or ask a simple question instead of just pointing and gesturing.

I consulted my friend Sue, a retired French teacher and francophile, who’s willing to get together for some practice. She also steered me to Pimsleur’s French. I checked out the 30 CD set from the bibliotheque, so each day, I listen and repeter words, phrases and sentences. Right out of the gate, I learned how to say “I don’t understand French” and “Do you understand English?” After I complete the two lessons, I pop the CD in my car and speak French wherever I go.

Facile ou dificile?

Dificile pour moi. First of all, my pronunciation. The French language is beautiful, gliding along like a prima ballerina en pointe. My sentences clunk along, a Midwesterner in Uggs. Then, the letter v is everywhere. Veux, va, vient, voyer, voudrais, vingt, and vin are a snarl in my head. And verb tenses? Mon deux! Can’t we all speak in the present, and let the listener guess if we mean today, yesterday, or tomorrow? I have a renewed admiration for the adult English language learners I’ve tutored for the past several years. It’s tough going.

I’m happy to say, though, that I’ve learned some soon-to-be useful sentences. C’est combien? (How much is this?) and Je voudrais un verre du vin blanc (I would like a glass of white wine.) should get me through the day.




7 thoughts on “Ou est la bibliotheque?

  1. You can always use your ALM to augment your Pimsleur. It may come in handy if the record-player in your apt is broken (le pick-up ne marche pas) or if you lose your glasses at the opera (j’ai perdu mes lunettes a l’opera).


  2. Those phrases still ring in my head! “Partir en vacances, si je trouve my valise.” (The response to the often used phrase, “What are you doing after July 14.) “Tu vois bien, je suis tombe.” and “Pas grand chose, allons chez Philippe.” And I too, tried to use them with a cab driver in Paris, and did, indeed, find the library 🙂


    • Je ne peut pas! Je me suis cassé la jambe!
      Cassé? Oh mon Dieu! Mes skis!
      Je t’en prie! Ce n’est pas le moment!
      Ça fait mal?
      Quelle question! Va chercher un docteur!

      Finis. 😀


  3. I was just thinking about it for my blog! 8th Grade French at JH Romig Jnr High – Dis-donc, ou est la bibliotheque? Il faut que j’aille chercher un livre. I’d forgotten the cahier and the saucissons – Thank you! Amanda


  4. 50+ years later I can still do the entire lesson of “Bonjour, Jean. Comment vas-tu?” I had an opportunity to recite the entire thing to a new family member from France. She said that I did very well and we had a good laugh, Unfortunately, I cannot change the dialogue (or the inflections)- it’s all I got! 4 years of ALM French and I can pretty much just use the sentences that I memorized.


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